Why Does My Hybrid Car Make Noise?

Hybrid Car Make Noise
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Many people consider gasoline-and-electric hybrid vehicles that run too smoothly dangerous. Those hybrids should be a little bit noisier. Many nations have laws pertaining to hybrid cars’ noise levels to address this issue. 

In particular, hybrid and plug-in vehicles must produce noise when traveling at moderate speeds (less than 30 km/h) to protect pedestrians. Understanding the unique sounds of hybrid cars can empower you as a driver. Even though hybrid cars have sound-emitting systems, we occasionally hear odd noises from them, such as:

  • whining
  • clicking
  • rattling
  • humming
  • buzzing, etc

making us question if our car is having issues or if this is just a typical hybrid sound. Let’s read the article below to learn more about the issue and when to opt for a hybrid car repair in Ajman

A Hybrid Vehicle: What is It?

An internal combustion engine and one or more electric motors that draw power from batteries power hybrid electric cars. The battery of a hybrid electric vehicle cannot be plugged into charging. Instead, the internal combustion engine and regenerative braking charge the battery. 

A smaller engine might be possible thanks to the electric motor’s additional power. Additionally, the battery can minimize engine idling when the engine is stopped and power auxiliary loads. When combined, these characteristics improve fuel efficiency without compromising performance.

When Should You Take Your Hybrid Car for Noise Repair?

Damage to Hybrid Brake

The brake works on the same premise as any other conventional car: the driver must provide sufficient braking force to get the wheels to turn slowly or stop entirely when they wish to stop or slow down. 

However, the car’s brake began to fail during the procedure. The sound made during braking is among the most noticeable indicators. Why does this happen? The causes may include:

  • Brake Pads that are Worn: With prolonged use, the rear metal surface of the brake pads gradually deteriorates, producing noise as the metals collide.
  • The Pads are Ripped: A torn pad exposes the rotors and other components of the brake system to one another.
  • Brake Rotor Problems: The grating noise coming from the brake system is caused by worn brake discs. Brake discs that are no longer flat produce a strange sound.Automated Gearbox Failure

Transmissions for EVs and HEVs are frequently automated or direct. When the hybrid gearbox is destroyed, certain clear sounds occur, such as chattering, vibration, and metal bashing. Some causes include improper use of automatic transmissions, which provide for hauling large loads, frequently driving on uneven roads, and changing gears. 

At the same time, the car moves quickly or before coming to a complete stop. The engine overheats due to all these mistakes, making gear shifting challenging. Other causes include wheel bearing failure, worn gearboxes, and prolonged exposure to complex driving conditions. A buzzing sound could be coming from a malfunctioning pump shaft or machine.

Issue with Hybrid Engine

As you are aware, hybrid motors generate significantly less noise than diesel and petrol engines. The battery provides the electricity and fuel for the HEV engine. Even though it is much quieter, drivers may become concerned when they hear strange sounds from the car engine, such as grinding, tapping, clicking, or knocking. 

A blocked fuel filter, a damaged cooling fan, a spark plug or spark plug wire, a dirty exhaust filter, or a catalytic converter are some reasons for this.

Advice for Hybrid Vehicle Maintenance

  • Monitor the Battery Regularly: A hybrid car’s battery is its fundamental component, providing electricity for the electric motor and storing energy from regenerative braking. As instructed by the manufacturer, perform a diagnosis and keep an eye on the charge level to keep an eye on its health.
  • Maintain Oil Changes: Although hybrids use fewer internal combustion engines, frequent oil changes are still necessary to keep the startup and shutoff of the engine in good working order.
  • Be Aware of Brake Maintenance: Hybrid vehicles use regenerative braking systems, a technology that converts the vehicle’s kinetic energy into electrical energy to recharge the battery. To optimize energy recovery and reduce brake pad wear, ensure your brakes are in good working order.
  • Check Tire Pressure Regularly: Properly inflated tires enhance handling and fuel economy. Check the tire pressure every month and make any necessary adjustments.
  • Regular Inspections: Proper inspections of inverters, converters, and other standard parts by qualified technicians can provide you with a sense of security. These inspections can help identify potential problems early on and prevent failures, ensuring your hybrid vehicle is always in top condition.

Typical Maintenance Errors to Prevent

By avoiding these typical maintenance errors, you can increase your hybrid car’s lifespan and save expensive repairs:

  • Neglecting Battery: Battery neglect can result in early failure and decreased performance if symptoms of battery deterioration are ignored.
  • Ignoring Routine Inspections: Routine inspections might reveal hidden problems before they become serious ones.
  • Ignoring Red Flags: Never disregard odd sounds, warning lights on the dashboard, or strange odors.


Does every sound a hybrid makes indicate a problem with your car? No, is the response. These noises can occasionally be attributed to HEVs, although they can also result from specific issues. It’s important to remember that these sounds are a normal part of owning a hybrid vehicle. 

If unsure, bring your hybrid vehicle to the closest repair facility or speak with an auto repair expert to determine whether it has a problem.

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