Why Does My Car AC Make Noise While Turned On?

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It’s always critical to ensure that your vehicle’s air conditioning system is in good operating order. Unfortunately, one of the most common indications that anything is wrong with your vehicle’s air conditioning is hearing weird noises, either when you first switch it on or during regular operation.
Paying attention to the sort of noise emanating from your air conditioning system can often take you to the specific component or element of the system that is at fault.

Reasons Why Car AC Makes Noise

The following are the most typical reasons why your car’s air conditioner generates noise when turned on:

  • The AC compressor must be replaced.
  • The condenser fan should be replaced.
  • The evaporator core should be cleaned.
  • The evaporator coil needs to be changed.
  • The air filter in the air conditioning system should be replaced.

To examine these issues, you can perform a comprehensive diagnostic test on your car’s air conditioning. A competent automotive technician can do this service at your home or a a workshop of your choice.

Air Conditioner Noises You Should Be Concerned About

Nobody expects their air conditioner to be absolutely silent, but there are everyday air conditioner noises and noises that make you sit up and wonder.

An unexpected air conditioner noise is frequently indicative of a problem. The question is whether this is a minor issue, a significant issue, or simply a symptom that your air conditioner is getting old. Even if you know what noise could signify, different problems can often generate the same type of noise; therefore, an air conditioning professional may be required to determine the actual source.

Consider the following air conditioning noises, which should be taken seriously.

1. Squealing

It is most likely due to a serpentine belt problem if you hear a loud squealing sound from your car AC. The first thing you should do is spritz the belt with water. If the noise stops, you should have your vehicle inspected further. Even if you’re not hearing any weird sounds during AC operation, if the AC belt is old and worn out, you may just need to replace it.

2. Clicking or knocking

If you hear a continual knocking or clicking sound, it is most likely due to some of the bolts that hold the system’s components together being loose. If your engine is running and the hood is open, you might be able to tell where this is happening. Keep an eye out for spots that move around during vehicle operation. The simplest solution will be just to tighten the bolts that look to be loose. A thread-locking compound can keep them in place and prevent subsequent clicking noises.

3. Rattling

There could be various problems if you hear a continual rattling sound when you turn on your air conditioner. For example, it could be a warning that a compressor is failing or that a serpentine belt or compressor pulley is wearing out. In addition, if the compressor begins to wear down, it may produce a rattling sound under certain conditions. Because the compressor clutch needs to be replaced more frequently than other parts of the AC system, have a professional evaluate the system to see whether this is the problem.

4. Whistling or hissing

A hissing sound that lasts only for some time before stopping might not be a big deal. For example, it could be the sound of refrigerant gas in your expansion valve. On the other hand, a prolonged hissing or whistling sound could indicate a refrigerant leak. A refrigerant leak could develop in an internal valve or one of your refrigerant lines.

A bubbling sound could potentially be caused by leaking refrigerant lines. If leaky internal valves are not repaired, the hissing sound will worsen. If you want to stay calm and avoid the leak from worsening, you should investigate and fix it as soon as possible.

5. Buzzing

A buzzing sound indicates that your AC compressor is beginning to wear out. This usually indicates that you have an overcharged system, which implies there is too much refrigerant in the system. In this case, too much liquid refrigerant enters the compressor intake port and causes it to vibrate. The first step should be to remove the surplus refrigerantโ€”you should try to avoid replacing the compressor, given how expensive that would be.

6. Metallic Grinding Sounds

A metal-on-metal grinding sound in any mechanical object is rarely a positive indicator. If your car’s brakes produced that noise, you’d take it to a repair right away. A metallic grinding sound, on the other hand, may be serious business in an air conditioner. Compressor issues and loose or worn belts are two of the most typical reasons for this type of grinding noise. The pistons that compress the refrigerant gas generate the grinding noise in compressors. They create this noise when the compressor is worn out, which implies you may need to replace the compressor totally, or it may be time to replace your entire air conditioning machine.

However, AC system noises are not the only ones that can be heard from beneath the hood. Belts, suspension components, the steering system, pulleys, and specific other engine components and systems can become noisy and may indicate danger.

This article will surely assist you in identifying common AC noises and determining where they may be coming from in the system. Then, once you’ve determined that your automobile’s AC is worn, you can take it to a shop for car AC repair or, better yet, try to make the necessary repairs yourself using your vehicle repair manual.

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